


Heading or title for a structural element, such as a <book-part>, <sec>, <app>, <boxed-text>, etc.


xml:lang Language

Related Elements

In spite of its name, this element is not used for any of the titles of an book. Within the metadata for the book, there are several elements concerned with the title of a book or any of its components (such as a chapter), all contained within the wrapper element <book-title-group> in the book metadata or the <title-group> in the metadata for a book component (<book-part-meta>):

The <title> is used for the full title of book component such as a chapter

Within the bibliographic reference (<citation>) a journal article <article-title> may be cited, while a book or journal title (that contains the cited article or chapter) is <source>.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  title        (#PCDATA %struct-title-elements;)*           >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract> Abstract; <ack> Acknowledgments; <app> Appendix; <app-group> Appendix Matter; <author-comment> Author Comment; <author-notes> Author Note Group; <back> Back Matter; <bio> Biography; <book-front> Book Front Matter; <boxed-text> Boxed Text; <caption> Caption of a Figure, Table, Etc.; <collection-member> Collection Member; <def-list> Definition List; <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed; <fn-group> Footnote Group; <gloss-group> Glossary Group; <glossary> Glossary Elements List; <kwd-group> Keyword Group; <list> List; <notes> Notes; <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic); <sec> Section; <statement> Statement, Formal; <table-wrap-foot> Table Wrapper Footer; <title-group> Title Group; <trans-abstract> Translated Abstract

Tagged Example

<book-part id="bid.1" book-part-type="part" book-part-number="Part 1">
<title>The Databases</title>
<book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter" book-part-number="1">
<title>GenBank: The Nucleotide Sequence Database</title>
<date date-type="created">
<date date-type="updated">
<alternate-form xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 
alternate-form-type="pdf" xlink:href="ch1d1"/>
<p>The GenBank sequence database is an annotated collection ...</p>
<sec id="bid.3">
<p>Initially, GenBank was built and maintained at Los Alamos 
National Laboratory ...</p>

