


Subordinate heading or title for a book or for one of its structural elements, such as a <book-part>


Conversion Note: Within a bibliographic reference citation, a subtitle cannot be preserved separately. Some DTDs place it within the title; some leave it as untagged data characters within the text of the <citation>. Although this DTD Suite cannot enforce either structure, retrieval performance will be enhanced if the subtitle is placed into the <article-title> element in cited material, so this is considered best practice.


xml:lang Language

Related Elements

There are several elements concerned with the title of a book or any of its components (such as a chapter), all contained within the wrapper element <book-title-group> in the book metadata or the <title-group> in the metadata for a book component (<book-part-meta>). The <book-title> is the full title of the book in the original language of the document. The <subtitle> is a subordinate or auxiliary title that adds information to the full title or modifies the full title. The <alt-title> is another version of the full title, usually created so that the title can be processed in a special way, for example, a short version of the title for use in a Table of Contents, an ASCII title, or a version of the title to be used in the right-running-head. The <trans-title> is a version of the title translated into a language other than the original language of publication; the <trans-subtitle> is a version of the subtitle translated into a language other than the original.

The element <title> is used only for the titles of book components such as a chapters.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  subtitle     (#PCDATA %title-elements;)*                  >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<book-title-group> Book Title Group; <title-group> Title Group

Tagged Example

<book-title>Sequence - Evolution - Function</book-title>
<subtitle>Computational Approaches in Comparative Genomics</subtitle>
<publisher-name>Kluwer Academic Publishers</publisher-name>
<publisher-loc>Norwell, MA</publisher-loc></publisher>
<copyright-statement>&copy; 2003 by Kluwer Academic Publishers.</copyright-statement>

