
Abbreviation or Acronym


An abbreviation or acronym used in the text of a document, possibly including a definition or expansion of the acronym


The linking attributes (with the standard XLink attributes) may be used to provide a live link to an expansion, definition, or additional explanation.

This element was added explicitly to meet “Checkpoint 4.3 Annotate complex, abbreviated, or unfamiliar information with summaries and definitions” from the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 working draft (2002).


id Identifier
xlink:actuate Actuating the Link
xlink:href Href (Linking Mechanism)
xlink:role Role of the Link
xlink:show Showing the Link
xlink:title Title of the Link
xlink:type Type of Link
xmlns:xlink XLink Namespace Declaration

Related Elements

The <def> may be used within an <abbrev> to contain, for example, the expansion of the acronym.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  abbrev       (#PCDATA %abbrev-elements;)*                 >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<addr-line> Address Line; <alt-title> Alternate Title; <article-title> Article Title; <attrib> Attribution; <bold> Bold; <book-title> Book Title; <citation> Citation; <collab> Collaborative (Group) Author; <collection-name> Collection Name; <comment> Comment in a Citation; <conf-loc> Conference Location; <conf-name> Conference Name; <def-head> Definition List: Definition Head; <italic> Italic; <meta-name> Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata; <meta-value> Metadata Data Name For Custom Metadata; <monospace> Monospace Text (Typewriter Text); <named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content; <overline> Overline; <p> Paragraph; <sc> Small Caps; <strike> Strike Through; <sub> Subscript; <subtitle> Subtitle; <sup> Superscript; <supplement> Supplement Information; <td> Table Data Cell (XHTML table model); <term> Definition List: Term; <term-head> Definition List: Term Head; <th> Table Header Cell (XHTML table model); <title> Title; <trans-subtitle> Translated Subtitle; <trans-title> Translated Title; <underline> Underline; <verse-line> Line of a Verse

Tagged Example

<p>The Gene Expression Omnibus (<abbrev>GEO</abbrev>) project 
was initiated at NCBI in 1999 in response to the growing 
demand for a public repository for data generated from 
high-throughput microarray experiments. <abbrev>GEO</abbrev> 
has a flexible and open design that allows the submission, 
storage, and retrieval of many types of data sets, such as 
those from high-throughput gene expression, genomic hybridization, 
and antibody array experiments. <abbrev>GEO</abbrev> was never 
intended to replace lab-specific gene expression databases or 
laboratory information management systems (<abbrev>LIMS</abbrev>), 
both of which usually cater to a particular type of data set 
and analytical method. ...</p>

