Changes by Element

This section describes, for each element in the Authoring Tag Set that changed, the differences between Version 2.3 and Version 3.0 of the Tag Set.

The Following Elements were Deleted from 3.0:

The Following Elements were Added in 3.0:

The Following Elements were Changed Between Versions 2.3 and 3.0:

<abstract> changes:

<ack> changes:

<addr-line> changes:

<address> changes:

<aff> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<app> changes:

<app-group> changes:

<article> changes:

  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @article-type [Enumeration] #IMPLIED
    Values: abstract, addendum, announcement, article- commentary, book-review, books-received, brief- report, calendar, case- report, correction, discussion, dissertation, editorial, in-brief, introduction, letter, meeting-report, news, obituary, oration, other, product-review, rapid- communication, reply, research-article, retraction, review- article
  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @dtd-version CDATA "2.3"
  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @article-type CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @dtd-version CDATA "3.0"

<article-meta> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <funding-group>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: <contract-num> <contract-sponsor> <grant-num> <grant-sponsor>

<article-title> changes:

<attrib> changes:

<body> changes:

<bold> changes:

<boxed-text> changes:

<caption> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<chem-struct> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<col> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<colgroup> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<collab> changes:

<comment> changes:

<conf-acronym> changes:

<conf-theme> changes:

<conference> changes:

  • Attribute added in 3.0: @content-type CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:actuate [Enumeration] #IMPLIED
  • Values: none, onLoad, onRequest, other
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:href CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:role CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:show [Enumeration] #IMPLIED
  • Values: embed, new, none, other, replace
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:title CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xlink:type [Enumeration] "simple"
  • Values: simple
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xmlns:xlink CDATA "
  • Values: /xlink"

<copyright-statement> changes:

<country> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<date> changes:

  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @date-type [Enumeration] #IMPLIED
  • Values: accepted, received, rev- request, rev-recd
  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @date-type CDATA #IMPLIED

<def-head> changes:

<def-list> changes:

<disp-quote> changes:

<email> changes:

<ext-link> changes:

<fig> changes:

<fn-group> changes:

<glossary> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <def-list> <glossary>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: <gloss-group>
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<glyph-data> changes:

  • Attribute added in 3.0: @fontchar CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @fontname CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @xml:space [Enumeration] "preserve"
  • Values: preserve

<gov> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<graphic> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alt-version> [Enumeration] "no"
  • Values: yes, no
  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @content-type CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @Orientation [Enumeration] "portrait"
  • Values: portrait, landscape
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<inline-graphic> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<inline-supplementary-material> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<institution> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: <bold> <break> <italic> <monospace> <overline> <sc> <strike> <underline>

<isbn> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<issn> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<italic> changes:

<kwd> changes:

<kwd-group> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <compound-kwd>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<license> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <license-p>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: <p>

<list> changes:

<media> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @Orientation [Enumeration] "portrait"
  • Values: portrait, landscape
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<monospace> changes:

<named-content> changes:

<nlm-citation> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <citation-type> [Enumeration] #IMPLIED
  • Values: book, commun, confproc, discussion, gov, journal, list, patent, thesis, web, other
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @publication-format CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @publication-type CDATA #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @publisher-type CDATA #IMPLIED

<on-behalf-of> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<overline> changes:

<p> changes:

<permissions> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<person-group> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <string-name>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<preformat> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman> <styled-content>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @Orientation [Enumeration] "portrait"
  • Values: portrait, landscape
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<price> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<product> changes:

<ref> changes:

<ref-list> changes:

<related-article> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<sc> changes:

<sec> changes:

<series> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<size> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<source> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<speech> changes:

<statement> changes:

<std> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<strike> changes:

<sub> changes:

<subtitle> changes:

<sup> changes:

<supplement> changes:

<supplementary-material> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @Orientation [Enumeration] "portrait"
  • Values: portrait, landscape
  • Attribute added in 3.0: @specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED

<table> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<table-wrap> changes:

<table-wrap-foot> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <fn-group>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<target> changes:

  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @id ID #IMPLIED
  • Attribute changed between 2.3 and 3.0: @target-type CDATA #REQUIRED

<tbody> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<td> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<term> changes:

<term-head> changes:

<tfoot> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<th> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<thead> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<time-stamp> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)
  • All the same children are permitted, but the details of their arrangement have changed between 2.3 and 3.0.

<title> changes:

<tr> changes:

  • 2.3 attribute deleted in 3.0: <alternate-form-of> IDREF #IMPLIED

<trans-source> changes:

  • Elements added to the content model in 3.0: <roman>
  • Elements dropped from the content model in 3.0: (none)

<trans-title> changes:

<underline> changes:

<verse-group> changes:

<verse-line> changes:

<xref> changes: